issue 7: content

Editorial #7

Song of Life
Philosopher Andreas Weber reflects on the biological, embodied dimension of time and its rhythms, as they resonate through the natural world and our own bodies.

Time as River
Artist Rosalyn Driscoll discusses a collaborative project called Exquisite River, a group exhibition which uses the metaphor of exquisite corpse, to create a multi-faceted river narrative, questioning the finite life of our beloved rivers.

Age-time, dance-time, bone-time, death-time – a brief guide to ageing our way
Poet and writer Rose Rouse gives us a glimpse into some of the many inspiring artistic and social activities of Advantages of Age enterprise, which she helped to set up and which challenges the media narrative around ageing.  

In search of lost deep time
Cosmologist Roberto Trotta reflects on the meaning of different time scales which he experiences both through his work, but also as an earthbound and embodied human being.

The Colour of Time
Writer Robert Macfarlane meditates on deep time held in what he playfully calls a recording medium of ice, a memory going back millions of years.

Touch: the intimate history of jet
Artist Julie Innes uses the medium of comics to tell a story of a small object, a personal gift, which holds a special place in her personal narrative, condensing time and transforming her understanding of the past.

Matter, Hapticity and Time
Architect and scholar Juhani Pallasmaa discusses the myriad ways in which time is expressed through the language of matter, and the traps of modern life’s obsession with perfection.

Researcher Ally Bisshop and filmmaker Zeynep Akcay created a sonic essay, to immerse you in their interdisciplinary experiment in environmental storytelling, which took place on Brisbane River.

Suriashi and drawing as presence
Choreographer and performer Ami Skånberg and artist Lucy Lyons share their video capturing their exploration of presence as performance.

Absolute Now
Artist Kaz discusses an essay Time and Eternity, by the Japanese Zen Buddhist scholar D.T. Suzuki, which has informed his own practice.

Time Takes a Page
Artist and writer Sylee Gore shares her photopoetry work, intrigued as she is by photography’s parallel ability to consciously freeze moments and to inadvertently archive the ephemeral.

Nameless wood
Artist Tereza Stehlikova presents her filmic study of Wistman’s Wood, a unique ancient forest in Dartmoor, an encounter which was inspired by John Fowles writing in his book The Tree.

Design by Natália Búzková